Steel Fork Pheasants members will enjoy the hunting experience with access to natural habitat that is found for pheasant, quail and chukar. We can set the birds in groups or individually to give the experience found in the wild. The different terrain settings allow you and your sporting dog to maximize the excitement of the hunt utilizing 3000+ acres. All hunts are conducted as full day unless you specify otherwise. When you phone for your reservations you will be asked the terrain, and bird setting options you wish to hunt. Quail and chukar are available year round for dog training; this will be our Bird Dog Specials.
We are committed to creating a hunting environment that all levels of hunters may enjoy. The birds offered at Steel Fork are pheasant, (Ringneck, Manchurian & Black), Bobwhite Quail, and chukar. While waiting for birds to be released for your hunt in the morning, hunters will enjoy complimentary coffee and danish. Lunch is available for an additional fee.

If you have your own dogs to hunt with that’s great! If you don’t we can supply a guide with dog. We ask that you tip the guide $35.00 per hunter for his and his dog’s time. Please contact us 48 hours in advance for a guide as we must make these arrangements.
We know that a great tool for the hunter is his dog. At Steel Fork we have a great quantity of quail available year round for hunting and we welcome your best friend! At Steel Fork the conditions can be designed to fit your needs for sporting dog training. We direct the hunter looking for the challenge of a bird capable of swift flight toward the chukar. This species is distinctive with beautiful coloring and the ability to accelerate into the air.
We know that a great tool for the hunter is his dog. At Steel Fork we have a great quantity of quail available year round for hunting and we welcome your best friend! At Steel Fork the conditions can be designed to fit your needs for sporting dog training. We direct the hunter looking for the challenge of a bird capable of swift flight toward the chukar. This species is distinctive with beautiful coloring and the ability to accelerate into the air.
Orange headgear and protective eye-wear is required when hunting.
Orange vests, hats and protective eye-wear will be on hand for purchase for those who forget to bring their own.
All dogs must be leashed or kenneled when not hunting.
Release forms must be signed before entering hunting areas.